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Why quotes are important in articles.

An article is a piece of writing that’s used in magazines, journals, or websites to pass certain information to the readers. You should note that articles can either be based on facts or the opinion of the writer. In both cases, it is important that you can come up with strong arguments for your article if at all you want to give value to your content. Well, articles are known to receive the appreciation of readers, and that’s usually the dream of every writer. 

When writing articles, it is important to use quotes because they offer a certain level of proof of any claims that you make in the article. Your article is more likely to perform better if people do not doubt what you publish.

They strengthen your ideas: quotes give voice to your opinions, and that can add strength to your piece of writing. In most cases, a quote can have the most appeal because of who said it or the impact that it leaves on people’s minds. A quote from a famous individual can help influence the thinking of your readers to agree with your argument. 

Quotes enhance the credibility of an article. When writing, it is important to make your readers feel that you have enough expertise in that field and that you can research and present them with up to date data. Quoting accomplished people in a particular field shows your readers that you appreciate the work done by other people, which may, in turn, making your claims more valid. 

Quotes can help you launch ideas in the minds of your readers. When readers come across quotes in an article, it entices them to innovate new ideas on how they can handle certain situations. It is important to note that readers are more willing to read your articles if the articles can benefit them too.

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