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Archimedes Biography and Quotes

Archimedes Biography and Quotes

Birthday: 287 B.C.
Commemoration: 212 B.C.
Nationality: Greek


Years Old

Famously Known For

Being one of the greatest Mathematicians, Archimedes is well remembered for his theory that explains the relationship between surface area and volume of a sphere to its circumscribing cylinder. 

Archimedes is also known for formulating the Archimedes principle, which states that “a body immersed in fluid loses weight equal to the weight of the amount of fluid it displaces.” 

Archimedes also developed an Archimedes screw that’s used to raise water from low levels to high levels.

Early Life

Archimedes was born in Syracuse, Sicily, Italy. His father, Phidias, was an astronomer and a mathematician too. It is claimed that his family came from the same lineage as king Hiero of Syracuse. Apart from that, not much is known about Archimedes family. It is not known whether he married or had any kids.


As a young boy, Archimedes schooled in Alexandria, a school that had been set up by Alexander the Great. At the time, Alexandria was renowned for producing great scholars. At Alexandria, Archimedes was taught by Euclid’s students. It was in Alexandria that Archimedes studied astronomy, physics, and mathematics. 


Archimedes worked for the Sicily state, and some of his works were used to protect Sicily in the Roman conquest for Sicily in 214 BC. One of the war machines that he helped to build was the catapult and the mirror system that focused sunlight rays into Roman ships, igniting them. 


After two years of repelling the Roman army from conquering Syracuse, Marcellus and his army captured the city. However, Marcellus ordered that Archimedes be brought to him because of the respect that he had for him. 

Archimedes was not even aware that the enemy had captured his city as he was lost in solving a mathematical problem. One of the soldiers that had been sent to bring back Archimedes pounced on Archimedes and stroked him to death after Archimedes asked the soldier not to disturb him and his circles. 

Out of respect, Archimedes was buried with honor in a tomb, and the tomb was engraved with an image of a sphere bearing a cylinder. 

Archimedes was 76 years old when he died. 

Quotes by Archimedes

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