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Anne Frank Biography and Quotes

Anne Frank

Birthday: June 12th, 1929
Commemoration: February 1945
Nationality: German


Years Old

Famously Known For

Anne Frank became one of the most famous victims of the Holocaust. Her work, The Diary of a Young Girl, propelled her to fame. The book was originally written in the Dutch language. She documented her life secretly in the camp from 1942 to 1944. Many artists have used her work for many years in plays and films.

Early Life

She lived with her parents, Otto and Edith Frank in Frankfurt City and her older sister Margot, for the first five years. When the Nazi rule began in 1933, her father fled to Amsterdam. His family later joined him with Anne arriving being the last in 1934. 

The captured Jews were transported to Auschwitz- Birkenau and Sobibor, which acted as killing centers.

Personal Life

Anne spent most of her youthful years hiding from the Nazi. She found hiding adventurous and wrote a diary on her day to day experiences. Anne later fell for Peter Van Pels who he mentions in her diary. She spent most of her time reading and writing since she could not go outside. 

She went into hiding aged 15 and was arrested aged 15. She was arrested and taken to Westerbork camp in the Netherlands. On September 3, 1944, she, along with others, was put on a train destined for Auschwitz.


Ann Frank’s diary was discovered by Miep Gies, who gave it to his father, Otto. After reading the diary, he realized that Anne had kept a consistent account of events that took place when she was in hiding. He took the book for publishing. 

The diary was at first published in the Dutch language on June 14 1942. It became famous and adopted in plays and movies.


Ann passed on around February in 1945 from a Typhoid epidemic while at the Auschwitz camp.

Quotes by Anne Frank

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